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We chose the best pieces and built a service consept that brings winning features to both your company and the employees!

Give your employees the tools to carry your company into the future. 

Engagement is important and this can not be over overstated. An employee who is aware of the news & events in the workplace is more productive and happier.
The generations now stepping into workplaces are digital natives, they have been connected to  the internet and thru it to their network their whole life. To them the natural interface to the internet is the mobile device in their pocket and the applications in it. If a mobile app is not intuitive enough or fit for purpose, it will quickly be replaced with another.


When you offer the employees a social media that functions based on the familiar rules of popular platforms, the employees own it immediately and there is now need for training or implementation projects. On the other hand, if you don't offer these tools, the employees will find the apps they need for communicating and finding information, but you loose your grip on company data & files.

In Planning, workplace autonomy and self-steering teams are gaining ground. Research and employee polls are showing that the more the employees feel they can affect how and when they work, the happier they are. 
Enjoying work means better employee retention, so it's important for a company to be able to offer a good work-life balance for the employees.

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It is of course vital that salaries are correct and calcuated according to the collective agreements, every time. But it's also equally important for the business to understand the costs;

  • How much of the working hours is used productively?

  • Is planning done according to budget?

For finance it is critical that all involved applications are based on standards-based, open interfaces. This allows sharing information with different finance applications and you can follow the KPI's you need to, understand the relation between sales and costs in real-time and to plan schedules accordingly.


Gamification adds a new dimension to learning and the mindset is changed from ”I have to learn” to ”I want to learn”.

Learning is changing and so are the requirements for it. Materials and courses need to be online, waiting for the employee to have the time.


Getting the workforce trained no longer requires booking people and facilities. Instead it's something that is happening on its own, but you can still measure and report on the skills of your organisation, in real-time. Employees are constantly learning new skills, achieving milestones and prospering.


Different application platforms integrate seamlessly, with data flowing betweeen, reducing manual work and automating reoccuring tasks. Time is saved and your business is able to adapt to changes proactively.

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         020 776 9889

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